Our Approach

Listening to the pulse of your car
Listening is our biggest asset. No matter how minor or unusual, what you tell us about your car’s performance is paramount in uncovering the cause of a problem and fixing it. After all, you’re the one behind the wheel. Using this knowledge we take time to rigorously troubleshoot and track down the cause.
The detail you deserve
Just because it’s not showing to have a problem doesn’t mean it’s not worth checking. We leave no stone unturned, putting your car through its paces. If we find a problem, we tell you about it, honestly and straight down the line. When you know exactly what’s going on, you feel confident in making the right choices for your car.
No fast fixes
If your automotive “baby” is a car that requires specialist attention, Triggs Garage is right for you. After all, you appreciate that quick turnarounds and ‘getting it out the door’ is all just code for cutting corners. Put simply, it’s not giving your car the love and care it deserves. So yes, at Triggs you’ll find there’s no fast fixes, which means we fix cars others don’t (or can’t). After all, if it didn't come out of the factory like that, why is it okay to accept it? Our focus is your satisfaction that a job has been done right, as well as our own satisfaction as creative problem solvers and technicians.